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Frequently Asked Questions


     How do I know if this product is right for me?  This program

     is intended to help those with the following problems:


                Rotator cuff tendonitis

            Rotator cuff tears



               Shoulder arthritis

               Shoulder weakness

                Pain related to adhesive capsulitis    


      It does not matter if you have an acute, sub-acute or chronic
The exercises are designed to strengthen the shoulder,
 mobility and resolve pain/inflammation.         



     How is your program different from others?  This program is
designed by a physical therapist who has healed scores of    
and clients using a medically based program and not just
     some self
discovery method.  It is based on scientific research,
     study and
clinical results.  Most importantly, you will be able to ask
     me any 
questions about the program and how to handle your own

     Essentially, you get your own personal consultant who just
to be a nationally respected therapist and fitness expert.
     So, I have
the medical expertise to answer all the tough questions
     and guide
you to success.


     How long will it take to see results?  Response to the exercises
varies from person to person based on age, how long the shoulder
has been affected, daily stress placed on the shoulder, degree of
injury, etc.  Typically, most people will notice an improvement in 2-
 weeks provided they follow the program as designed.  While the
program is 6 weeks long, some people may need to continue
     beyond that to get complete recovery.



     Will the program help if my rotator cuff is torn?  Yes.  Even if
have a complete tear, that does not necessarily mean you
     should have
surgery.  Pain is the number one reason to have
     surgery.  If you can
function day to day with minimal pain, then this
     e-book will provide
crucial information on how to strengthen your
shoulder and maintain the motion in it to continue doing the things
     you want on a
daily basis.


     Obviously, your physician will guide this decision, but I have seen
several people with tears do well without surgery provided they are
 on a good exercise program and avoid abusive activities.


     Can I continue to lift weights in the gym if I have rotator cuff
pain?  Generally, the answer is yes provided you make the
modifications I spell out in the book.  It is very important to avoid
harmful shoulder exercises, heavy loads and faulty range of motion
and mechanics while you are experiencing rotator cuff pain. 

     Performing exercise improperly is worse than doing no exercise at
all!  In the e-book, I demonstrate how to properly modify common
exercises such as the bench press and lateral shoulder raises to
avoid killing your rotator cuff. 


     What kind of equipment is needed to do the program?  All
need is a few light dumbbells, some tubing or elastic bands
     and a
stability ball or bench.  The exercises are meant to be done
     at home. 

     The pictures and descriptions make it easy to understand even if
have little to no exercise experience.


     Do you recommend heat or cold?  I am a huge proponent of
therapy.  Ice will treat the cause of your pain (inflammation)
heat will simply stimulate large nerve receptors that serve
     to interfere
with the brain's ability to detect pain at the time.  This is
     why you often
feel good for a short time after a hot shower or spell
the heating pad, but it quickly fades and the pain returns. 

Using ice after exercise or at the end of the day will go  along way
     in reducing
 your pain by attacking the inflammation itself.


     Can I print out the manual?  Yes.  It is 37 pages long.  You may
thinking that is not very long.  However, I packed a ton of
into each page (not much open space just to make it
     longer) and I
gave you exactly what you need to solve your
problem without a lot of extra fluff.  So, even if you don't like e-
you can easily print it out and put it in a 3 ring binder of
     your own and refer to it all
 the time.